All Writing Mental Health Poetry Response Suicide Thoughts

#MentalHealthMatters /s

CN: Mentions of Suicide, mental health issues, ableism, pushing medication Doing choresthe simple and mundane tasksbecause right as of now…complex is too much to ask. Mental health matters!Scream the employers and politicians…But only if productivity doesn’t dip low. Only as long as you don’t arrive late,never show your “Illness,”and finish all projects on time.Make sure […]

All Writing Free Verse Mental Health Poetry Thoughts Trauma

Post? Traumatic

Being broken and standing back up whenyou don’t want to and don’t have the strength to do so,is one of the bravest things in the world.Not once, but again and again and again.That is what is required, even when curledup in a ball is where you want to be. The world is like a rickety […]

Activism All Writing Family Mental Health Pride Prose Response Thoughts Transgender

Pride Month (And Juneteenth) Reflections and Rantings

This Month, I have taken the time to write up a few different posts about different marginalized identities within the LGBTQIA+ community on my personal Facebook Account(s). I am going to aggregate them here. I will probably add some more, as I am apt to Rant. On Non-Binary Identities So, had a conversation with a […]

Activism All Writing Mental Health Politics Prose Response Thoughts Transgender

Carrying on

Good morning friends. I am in a very contemplative state this week, but especially today. Today being election day in the US. We have a very broken system, that cannot be denied. The powers that be tell us it is a Democracy, which is nothing but a pipe dream, we are much closer to an […]

Activism All Writing Guide Mental Health Politics Pride Prose Response Thoughts Transgender

Can’t I be fragile sometimes, too?

*Note: These are my feelings and thoughts, not anyone else’s, especially not any other trans person’s. So, don’t use this as an excuse to call all trans people, or all trans women weak. If you do, you are an asshole. Full Fucking Stop* I am an author and poet. I am an advocate and ally […]

All Writing Family Mental Health Prose Response Thoughts Transgender

A Boy Shaped Costume

So, I was asked a few different questions about my experience as a Trans Woman. I am going to try to answer one (or more, but let’s be honest, I am verbose, so…) of them every day until I am through them. The first one is: Do you feel like you were socialized differently from […]

All Writing Family Mental Health Politics Prose Response Suicide Thoughts Transgender

I am a Trans Woman, and this is why

So, a friend asked me today why I identify as a trans woman instead of as just a woman, because it seems like I am separating/sub-categorizing  myself. I could have just commented, but instead, I decided to write it out thoughtfully. There are many reasons, and it is a choice I made, and make on […]

All Writing Family Mental Health Prose Random Religion Response Thoughts Transgender

Reflections on Easter

Random thought that I had yesterday. I am going to preface this with, not attacking anyone, just something that I have been reflecting on and made me think. I also could be just overthinking this, as I am apt to do at times, so please let know your thoughts. If however, you see this as […]

All Writing Mental Health Poetry Suicide Thoughts

Press on!

Victory! Euphoria! Magic! Tragic! Loss! Disheartened! Joy! Love! Hate! Emptiness! All of these and more, Are what life has in store For those that continue the ride Even when it feels like everything has been tried. I say to you my friend, Press on! This is not the end, This is barely the beginning. Even […]

All Writing Mental Health Prose Random Response Thoughts Transgender

An Open Letter to People that Don’t Know Me, and Judge Me with No Information

So, yesterday, I received an email. Nothing abnormal about that, except for 4 things. 1) It was from an old family friend who I haven’t seen or spoken to in years, and would have no way to get the email address they sent it to, except by getting it from someone. 2) They somehow knew […]