All Writing Pride Prose Response Thoughts Transgender

I, Woman

Waking up in a body that the only connection I had to it was revulsion was one of the hardest realizations that I have ever come to. I told myself at 4 years old that I was wrong, different, and broken…and over the next 26 years, I did everything in my power to bury that […]

Activism All Writing Poetry Pride Response Thoughts

Colourful Queers

I wrote this while at the BLM Pride protest in Schenectady, NY this afternoon. I hope that you enjoy. ——– Colourful Queers Facing their fears,and being their true selves,are the bravest beings on the planet. Stronger than Granite. We will not break,because, like that book that you use to condemn,We are stronger by standing together […]

Activism All Writing Family Mental Health Pride Prose Response Thoughts Transgender

Pride Month (And Juneteenth) Reflections and Rantings

This Month, I have taken the time to write up a few different posts about different marginalized identities within the LGBTQIA+ community on my personal Facebook Account(s). I am going to aggregate them here. I will probably add some more, as I am apt to Rant. On Non-Binary Identities So, had a conversation with a […]

Activism All Writing Guide Mental Health Politics Pride Prose Response Thoughts Transgender

Can’t I be fragile sometimes, too?

*Note: These are my feelings and thoughts, not anyone else’s, especially not any other trans person’s. So, don’t use this as an excuse to call all trans people, or all trans women weak. If you do, you are an asshole. Full Fucking Stop* I am an author and poet. I am an advocate and ally […]