All Writing Poetry Random Thoughts

Keeping the False in the Forefront

Finding.Grinding.Blinding.Never-Minding. Making the world a better placeSeems to require its own kind of grace. Pushing against the brokennessGives us a different kind of stress,That we can’t control or destroy. We try to come together to bring joy,While there are snakes in the grassWho pretend to have honorable intentions,When, in reality, they have to look up […]

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Submit a company for Boycott Review

I have been building a list of companies that I and my partner have boycotted over the past couple of years. A lot of people have really been grateful to have access to this list, so I have added it here for you to access (below). If you would like to submit a company for […]

All Writing Family Mental Health Prose Random Religion Response Thoughts Transgender

Reflections on Easter

Random thought that I had yesterday. I am going to preface this with, not attacking anyone, just something that I have been reflecting on and made me think. I also could be just overthinking this, as I am apt to do at times, so please let know your thoughts. If however, you see this as […]

All Writing Mental Health Prose Random Response Thoughts Transgender

An Open Letter to People that Don’t Know Me, and Judge Me with No Information

So, yesterday, I received an email. Nothing abnormal about that, except for 4 things. 1) It was from an old family friend who I haven’t seen or spoken to in years, and would have no way to get the email address they sent it to, except by getting it from someone. 2) They somehow knew […]

All Writing Poetry Random Thoughts

Focusing On The Gurney

What is the meaningOf all of the unknowns,And how do you findIn what direction it leans? Finding direction in a worldSo scattered and coldFilled with issues so burledIt seems insurmountable, when everythingIs bought and sold. How can you place value onIngenuity,Fantasy,Imagination,and love,When it seems as if friendly cooperation is gonefrom existence, and crushed from above? […]

All Writing Poetry Random Thoughts Transgender

Nurture, Nature, or Trauma?

Visceral,Empirical,Whimsical. How was I created:Nurture, Nature, or Trauma?I have tradedSo much of myself, to avoid drama. No more. It is time to even the score. No longer will I minimize myselfAnd place who I really am upon the shelf. Spending all of my energyAvoiding being me.Finding the truth in who I am,Is not quiet, like […]

All Writing Family Prose Random Response Thoughts Transgender

Mutterings and Musings of a Merry Maiden

The last 18 months have been some of the hardest, but most rewarding of my life. I realized a lot of things about myself and the world about me. Not just that I am a Bisexual Transgender Woman, that is probably the biggest one, but many other things as well. In all of the self […]

All Writing Poetry Random Thoughts Transgender

Beating the Screams Out of My Dreams

Beating the screams Out of my dreams, Destroying the vision of what I have been Time to buck this trend.Where am I going, where will this lead?No idea, but going to make this world bleed Not in a violent way, but adding colour to my world of grey. Time keeps ticking on, as I re-create […]

All Writing Poetry Random Thoughts

The swinging of my soul

I wrote this back in 2009 – originally posted on my DeviantArt. Like the earth floating through the atmosphereor man as he searches for the truth,the beginning of the ending,nothing is clear… What is happening now, nothing makes senseI don’t know what’s going onPlease lift the drifting, dripping fogfrom over my kind of guy,the kind […]

All Writing Poetry Random Thoughts Uncategorized

A Retrospective Introspective

Written in 2011 – Originally posted on my DeviantArt. Working towards an ends,Alienating all of my true friends,Living with self as the most important thingMy past makes me think of Gollum and the Ring. Evil, twisted, and sadistic thinking,And that was when I wasn’t drinking! Now that I have found the way,I don’t have to […]