All Writing Mental Health Prose Random Response Thoughts Transgender

An Open Letter to People that Don’t Know Me, and Judge Me with No Information

So, yesterday, I received an email. Nothing abnormal about that, except for 4 things. 1) It was from an old family friend who I haven’t seen or spoken to in years, and would have no way to get the email address they sent it to, except by getting it from someone. 2) They somehow knew […]

All Writing Family Prose Random Response Thoughts Transgender

Mutterings and Musings of a Merry Maiden

The last 18 months have been some of the hardest, but most rewarding of my life. I realized a lot of things about myself and the world about me. Not just that I am a Bisexual Transgender Woman, that is probably the biggest one, but many other things as well. In all of the self […]

All Writing Prose Random Thoughts Travel Uncategorized


I am a Gypsy at heart. Every time I go to work or home, I just want to keep going… Where? I don’t know. Every time I see an out of state license plate, hear a new accent, or hear about a city, town, or state that sounds like it would be good for exploring, […]

All Writing Politics Prose Response Thoughts

Response to 2015 State of the Union

As most of you are aware, last night was the President Obama’s 2015 State of the Union address. It was filled with hope, togetherness, and some new ideas. It was, however, also ridden with inaccuracies. I am not going to say that it was incorrect in its entirety, or that Obama is living in a […]

All Writing Politics Prose Random Thoughts Uncategorized

From the Archives: Why Marxism Failed

This is a paper that I wrote in College, originally posted on my LiveJournal on April 5th, 2005 ________________ Karl Marx believed that man, when civil society is abolished will be in a perfect free state, namely, that of Communism. For Marx, all of humanity is altruistic, a devotion to others or to Humanity (The […]

All Writing Politics Prose Random Response Tech Thoughts Uncategorized

From the Archives: Net Neutrality Part 2

Originally Posted on Nov 25th, 2009. ________________ So after I read that, this issue has consumed a good chunk of my waking hours. I cannot believe that this would even be an issue here in the USA, “The land of the free and the brave,” this would seem to be something more in line with […]

All Writing Politics Prose Random Response Tech Thoughts Uncategorized

From The Archives: Net Neutrality: Part 1

Originally Posted on Nov 25, 2009. ____________ Last week, I discovered This page and immediately signed the petition, as this is something that is of the utmost import. For those of you who do not know what Net Neutrality is even about, I will begin at the beginning. —————————————— Taken from their FAQ: What is this […]

All Writing Prose Response Thoughts Uncategorized

From the Archives: Music, The “Industry,” and Pity…

I found this in one of my old WordPress accounts, and I figured that this was as good a place as any to put it. This was originally posted on April 24th, 2009. __________________ The current American music industry angers me more and more every day…for one thing, unless an artist stays with an independent […]

All Writing Prose Random Response Thoughts Uncategorized

Amanda Palmer is My Hero!

Amanda Palmers’s blog post about “A poem for Dzhokhar,” is beautiful. NO, not in its imagery, or similes, or its rhyme scheme (because it doesn’t have any), but because at the time I read it, it had over 2,000 comments on it (Some hate filled, some love filled, and everything in between.) That’s right, you […]