This is a poem that I wrote for my Critical Thinking class that I took back in 2006. Originally posted on my DeviantArt.
People today don’t like to think
No one uses their brains anymore, in fact, they’re starting to stink,
Everyone watches the TV news,
Hell! The U.S government gives her citizens their views.
Bush and his lackeys tell us what to believe,
That should be reason enough to grieve,
The information that we receive,
Is given to us, only after it has been filtered through a sieve.
In order for us to find out the truth
We must all get out of our personal soundproof booth,
And find out all the sides of the issues,
We must pick and choose,
To glean the truth out of the subterfuge, of our government,
To fix the huge hole that has been rent,
In the real truth of the matter in our society;
To bring about in our world a sobriety,
We need to cut through the web of falsehood,
To decipher the full picture, we must experience both bad and good.
How do we solve this quandary???
We need to pull out our dirty laundry
And air it out in the bright sunlight,
To find the truth, you need both wrong and right.
Our world as a whole, as I am sure you know,
Has sunk to a blissful new low.
Can we stop this flood of ambivalence?
Is there any way to help it all make sense?
There is a way to remove this poison that we
Have been drinking,
The antidote is a splash of Critical Thinking,
A buoy is rising, helping us float,
Lifting us high enough to grab this monster by the throat.
Get behind it, give a twist,
Until its head begins to list,
Pull out your knife, give a slice,
Until its skin feels like ice.
But Wait! Before this evil is laid to rest in his eternal bed,
There is one more thing to do to make sure that he is dead.
Jump upon him
As his eyes become dim
Open your mouth, take a bite,
You have become the victor of this fight
As you sit there, you feel a warm, invigorating rain
For in your teeth, you hold the monstrous beast’s most vital jugular vein!